New to the Elite Gaming Lounge for 2023 is our Fortnightly LEGO hub. After feedback from our community, we have now made our LEGO Hub even more accessible with a new earlier start time and lower entry price. LEGO enthusiast Rebecca Tuffin will be on hand to bring you more LEGO fun than you can shake a brick separator at.
This is a great opportunity for the local LEGO community to meet up and flex their kits, build their latest set or just practice being a Master Builder with our huge collection of LEGO.
We’re holding a LEGO swap shop where you can trade LEGO blocks with other LEGO fans or buy LEGO blocks from our LEGO Chest for just 10p
We asked Rebecca for a bio and she sent this: “I’m a bit bonkers, I like to talk a lot. I struggle to search for the brick I need and it’s normally right in front of my nose. I love nostalgic LEGO 90s sets! In my spare time I normally play animal crossing and planet coaster, along with watching Barry Lewis and Stewart Ashens on YouTube! I also have a furry friend called Lilo who loves to build with me! She usually sits on the pieces of LEGO ouccch ”
You’ll be able to book in advance to secure one of the 20 spots available for children and 10 for adults for just £5 for the two-hour session. So whether you’re an aspiring Emmet, full-blown Wildstyle or even… I’M BATMAN. Then the Elite Gaming Lounge is the new home of LEGO for you.